Bird Feeder Refill
Bed delivered & dresser in new place
Bedroom mess
Ugh, when will I ever get to all this? Need to get rid of the grandma curtains ASAP
Laundry started
laundry NOT complete
Finish tomorrow
Time with C working on Letters
Play room a mess
To Do list for tonight, after kids in bed.
Delicious Friday Night Dinner
Make the Guest Bedroom More cozier with the score of mason jars from yard sale & new baskets from World Market, fresh towel basket, and beach'y pics from past vacations
Check, check, check, and...yup check
Clean up Father's Day gifts in Guest bedroom
Ask Jeremy to help with this...tomorrow
I am so worn out right now & I still have so much to do! Trying to focus on what I did get done. For instance, we've been here 3 months & FINALLY walk into any given room & turn a switch & a light comes on! WOW! What a novel idea - check ;) Happy Almost Friday everyone!!
Note to self to help feel even better, not only was this a venting session for myself, but you guys got to see some bits of my "new" house. Ahhh, I do feel better already.
Yes, I enjoyed seeing the bits!