Says, "Don't have any to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels."
I would not say this is something I continually struggle with, but this verse resonates with me.
I may not quarrel daily, but 2 Timothy 2:23 helps me reflect on "foolish & stupid arguments" from the past. Now I know I am forgiven, that's not what I mean. Reflection is part of my sanctification process. And one particular episode comes to mind, and it has to do with my niece.
My niece and I are 5 years apart. Growing up we were more like sisters. But through regular life circumstances have grown apart in recent years.
We have not been in contact with one another since last November. Its a long background story, And who's right or wrong is not what's important here. What's important is learning from the above mentioned verse. A good friend said a phrase to me that has help me through pety things in life. She asked me, "do you want to be right? Or do you want to be righteous?" Mark 8:34 is clear about this, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves, and take up their cross and follow Me." This doesn't mean life will be easy. Its not. Life is about Love. Denying ourself. Choosing righteousness, verses what is right to oneself.
When I read the said verses during my quiet time the other morning, my niece immediately came to mind. I sent her a quick text expressing my love, and how if she wanted to talk I am here.
I could assume her number has changed, or the text didn't go through. But what should I do next? Should I contact my sister (her mom)? Should I actually call? Should I send an email? But you know what, I don't want to do any of those things. I am going pray. Pray that God will open the door of communication. Because then the pressure is off of me. God knows my heart. He knows I do not want to be in this quarel & I have faith he will see me through. Like always.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Date Night
Jeremy and I had a date night last night. We ended up here, Merchant Square. But it took a lot of effort to get here, and did not go as planned. See I had created this whole date in my head, on how we would walk the streets, dabble in&out of the store, feed each other treats you see people doing while walking down cobble stone streets. You know, romantic movie type stuff! It was all a whimsical fantasy in my head. The older I get I am learning reality is far from the fantasy world I live in my head. The evening was lovely, but not as I anticipated.
Jeremy sends me a text 15 minutes before four. He is supposed to be home at 4, but informs me that the he is going to have to stay at work a little longer because there is a storm moving through & he wants to make sure he is there to assist with the golfers. OK, ok, I am a little sad, but fine with. The storm ended up passing to the north of us so he was home at 4:20. Not bad.
Then he came home, and wants help with what he should wear. It is difficult enough for me to decide on my apparel. I told him to wear what he will feel comfortable in. So he ends up in work clothes. Fine. Great. He looks great!
OK, so we are off. But not before we have a small tiff about his phone! I mentioned a small issue in our golf shop, and he couldn't get it out of his head. I should've never said anything, especially right then. So he NEEDS to send a "quick" email. I was annoyed.
Now we are really off...but I don't feel the same. You know, feel like in my fantasy world feel.
But I really try hard to shake it off, and remember we are together. Alone. No kids. I take a deep breath and feel better.
First, we ran into the restore. There are so many projects I want to get done around here, but like most are on a budget. This store is a fun option for lots of treasures, but sooooo hard to go into with kids. We got a cool mirror for 10 bucks, but I digress.
Then after the restore Jeremy wanted his haircut. So we did that.
Then we were off to merchant square. Let the fantasy begin!!

And it was adorable! As promised by local friends who recommended it to us! The street is closed to motor traffic, and adorable little colonial looking shops line the street. There are toy shops, candy shops, and cheese shops just to name a few!

But my fantasy gets inturrupted once again my real life. That being my hunger. It was 7pm and our reservations to this place were not until 830. I should have had a snack.

Jeremy checked to see if we could grab a seat early, and they said it would be a 15min wait. So we spent time in the cheese store. Here is my handsome date posing with some condiments:

other areas of this adorable store ~ fantasy be resuscitated!

the cheese store also has a little sandwich/coffee shop.

We got seated, and ate like Kings!

WE finished up dinner around 830, and walk outside to visit more quaint shops. And it was desolate. The hussle and bussle of the street were no more. The open signs had all turned to closed. MAJORLYdisappointed! My fantasy I created had NOT come to fruition. The only store left open was the candy store, not a bad consolation, but not what I had in mind either.

My tummy was so full none of this looked appealing. Shocking for me who LOVES sugar!

Us outside the candy shop, in the dark, no shops open, but still trying to be happy we are together. This picture was taken right before the sky opened up and begin to rain.

YES, rained. Hard! Luckily I opted out of cute fashion wedges (which were in my fantasy), for my flats (reality). We ran to the car.
Things I learned on date night:
-try to never set expections, bc 9 times out of 10 you {I} will be disappointed.
-I do not know how to dress men, ie: my husband. Everything he owns is either super nice for work, or super grubby for yardwork.
-running errands before our "date" is not a good idea - keep those seperate.
-always bring an umbrella.
-eat snack if reservations are late.
-make the most out of life! Proverbs 16:9, many are the plans in a (wo)man's heart, but the Lord directs her steps.
My real life is so much better than my fantasy one. In my fantasy I am super selfish, and unrealistic. I am learning to be in the here & now. And loving every second of it. Even if I get a little wet.
I did manage to walk a way with fun & delicous things.

Bamboo cutlery & cheese knife for me

yummy gummies for the kids!
Jeremy sends me a text 15 minutes before four. He is supposed to be home at 4, but informs me that the he is going to have to stay at work a little longer because there is a storm moving through & he wants to make sure he is there to assist with the golfers. OK, ok, I am a little sad, but fine with. The storm ended up passing to the north of us so he was home at 4:20. Not bad.
Then he came home, and wants help with what he should wear. It is difficult enough for me to decide on my apparel. I told him to wear what he will feel comfortable in. So he ends up in work clothes. Fine. Great. He looks great!
OK, so we are off. But not before we have a small tiff about his phone! I mentioned a small issue in our golf shop, and he couldn't get it out of his head. I should've never said anything, especially right then. So he NEEDS to send a "quick" email. I was annoyed.
Now we are really off...but I don't feel the same. You know, feel like in my fantasy world feel.
But I really try hard to shake it off, and remember we are together. Alone. No kids. I take a deep breath and feel better.
First, we ran into the restore. There are so many projects I want to get done around here, but like most are on a budget. This store is a fun option for lots of treasures, but sooooo hard to go into with kids. We got a cool mirror for 10 bucks, but I digress.
Then after the restore Jeremy wanted his haircut. So we did that.
Then we were off to merchant square. Let the fantasy begin!!
And it was adorable! As promised by local friends who recommended it to us! The street is closed to motor traffic, and adorable little colonial looking shops line the street. There are toy shops, candy shops, and cheese shops just to name a few!
But my fantasy gets inturrupted once again my real life. That being my hunger. It was 7pm and our reservations to this place were not until 830. I should have had a snack.
Jeremy checked to see if we could grab a seat early, and they said it would be a 15min wait. So we spent time in the cheese store. Here is my handsome date posing with some condiments:
other areas of this adorable store ~ fantasy be resuscitated!
the cheese store also has a little sandwich/coffee shop.
We got seated, and ate like Kings!
WE finished up dinner around 830, and walk outside to visit more quaint shops. And it was desolate. The hussle and bussle of the street were no more. The open signs had all turned to closed. MAJORLYdisappointed! My fantasy I created had NOT come to fruition. The only store left open was the candy store, not a bad consolation, but not what I had in mind either.
My tummy was so full none of this looked appealing. Shocking for me who LOVES sugar!
Us outside the candy shop, in the dark, no shops open, but still trying to be happy we are together. This picture was taken right before the sky opened up and begin to rain.
YES, rained. Hard! Luckily I opted out of cute fashion wedges (which were in my fantasy), for my flats (reality). We ran to the car.
Things I learned on date night:
-try to never set expections, bc 9 times out of 10 you {I} will be disappointed.
-I do not know how to dress men, ie: my husband. Everything he owns is either super nice for work, or super grubby for yardwork.
-running errands before our "date" is not a good idea - keep those seperate.
-always bring an umbrella.
-eat snack if reservations are late.
-make the most out of life! Proverbs 16:9, many are the plans in a (wo)man's heart, but the Lord directs her steps.
My real life is so much better than my fantasy one. In my fantasy I am super selfish, and unrealistic. I am learning to be in the here & now. And loving every second of it. Even if I get a little wet.
I did manage to walk a way with fun & delicous things.
Bamboo cutlery & cheese knife for me
yummy gummies for the kids!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
our sneaky, special time
When McKinley sleeps Christopher and I have our sleepy, restful time, but he know longer falls asleep. So then we have our movie/video watching time. This is our favorite! Then we have our special, sneaky snack time. This is usually a treat I want, and usually don't let the kids have it. Now that he no longer naps I am getting use to the idea of having to share. It has actually become a very special, sneaky time for the two of us. I hope Christopher grows up and remembers our treat time together as a special time of just him and me. I also hope he never over indulges in treats, because I allowed them in moderation at home.
Today's special treat! IZZE sparkling soda!
Here we are enjoying them together.
Ugh, his blue eyes just make his mommma melt!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Its been a long weekend. Jeremy worked over 36 hours from Fri-Sun, and sure that's an average of 12 hours a day, maybe that's not super long to some BUT it was during the weekend. He always works weekends, but not those kind of hours. And especially NOT since we moved here. Don't get me wrong, the kids and I make/made the most of it, and had lots of memories from the weekend, but those kind of hours can make anyone a little crazy!
My therapy during those long days, is time to myself at night. This is probably selfish to Jeremy who wants to hang out at night, but I need a few moments to decompress...well, not a few moments, more like an hour (or more). And what do I do during that time?? Create! I love taking paper, and embellishments, and pictures and CREATE! Some of my creations above.
Friday a friend came over and I worked on the family scrapbook, Saturday night finished my pages of the scrapbook. And since today was especially difficult (many meltdowns, minimal naps, etc...) After bedtime, Jeremy watched a movie, and I worked on my 'franksful' cards. I am hoping to really get my etsy shop going, and perhaps even sell a few bundles of cards in our little golf shop? It is like therapy, and I feel like I can tackle tomorrow - Monday. But Monday for us is like Saturday so its probably my fav day of the week! YaY! tomorrow is Monday...happy Monday everyone!!
OH! And I wanted to mention I found my third cockroach here. IN. MY. HOUSE! As Mc would say, "Eww, buggy, yuk!" They are ginormous. He was dead but still yuk all the same! Jeremy being from Florida said they are like Florida type cockroaches, I guess living in the south you get gross bugs. Had a take a pic, This is next to a crayon to show the size. Blah!
But to end on a lovely note I just ordered a rubber stamp for the back of my "creations". I am pretty pumped about it. Image below. Sorry the spacing and size is all out of whack, but I had to blow it for you to see it! YaY! Franksful Cards =))
OK, I got to get to bed. Like I said, its been a long weekend...
My therapy during those long days, is time to myself at night. This is probably selfish to Jeremy who wants to hang out at night, but I need a few moments to decompress...well, not a few moments, more like an hour (or more). And what do I do during that time?? Create! I love taking paper, and embellishments, and pictures and CREATE! Some of my creations above.
Friday a friend came over and I worked on the family scrapbook, Saturday night finished my pages of the scrapbook. And since today was especially difficult (many meltdowns, minimal naps, etc...) After bedtime, Jeremy watched a movie, and I worked on my 'franksful' cards. I am hoping to really get my etsy shop going, and perhaps even sell a few bundles of cards in our little golf shop? It is like therapy, and I feel like I can tackle tomorrow - Monday. But Monday for us is like Saturday so its probably my fav day of the week! YaY! tomorrow is Monday...happy Monday everyone!!
Here are a few pics of the kids from Saturday!
We love the beach & we foregoed naps to stay
ALL DAY! I love living near water.
OH! And I wanted to mention I found my third cockroach here. IN. MY. HOUSE! As Mc would say, "Eww, buggy, yuk!" They are ginormous. He was dead but still yuk all the same! Jeremy being from Florida said they are like Florida type cockroaches, I guess living in the south you get gross bugs. Had a take a pic, This is next to a crayon to show the size. Blah!
OK, I got to get to bed. Like I said, its been a long weekend...
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
A lot, but a little done
Ever have those days where you feel like you have done so much, yet nothing was accomplished? Today was one of those days!


Bird Feeder Refill


Bed delivered & dresser in new place


Bedroom mess

Ugh, when will I ever get to all this? Need to get rid of the grandma curtains ASAP
Laundry started

laundry NOT complete

Finish tomorrow
Time with C working on Letters

Play room a mess

To Do list for tonight, after kids in bed.
Delicious Friday Night Dinner

Make the Guest Bedroom More cozier with the score of mason jars from yard sale & new baskets from World Market, fresh towel basket, and beach'y pics from past vacations

Check, check, check, and...yup check
Clean up Father's Day gifts in Guest bedroom

Ask Jeremy to help with this...tomorrow
I am so worn out right now & I still have so much to do! Trying to focus on what I did get done. For instance, we've been here 3 months & FINALLY walk into any given room & turn a switch & a light comes on! WOW! What a novel idea - check ;) Happy Almost Friday everyone!!
Note to self to help feel even better, not only was this a venting session for myself, but you guys got to see some bits of my "new" house. Ahhh, I do feel better already.
Bird Feeder Refill
Bed delivered & dresser in new place
Bedroom mess
Ugh, when will I ever get to all this? Need to get rid of the grandma curtains ASAP
Laundry started
laundry NOT complete
Finish tomorrow
Time with C working on Letters
Play room a mess
To Do list for tonight, after kids in bed.
Delicious Friday Night Dinner
Make the Guest Bedroom More cozier with the score of mason jars from yard sale & new baskets from World Market, fresh towel basket, and beach'y pics from past vacations
Check, check, check, and...yup check
Clean up Father's Day gifts in Guest bedroom
Ask Jeremy to help with this...tomorrow
I am so worn out right now & I still have so much to do! Trying to focus on what I did get done. For instance, we've been here 3 months & FINALLY walk into any given room & turn a switch & a light comes on! WOW! What a novel idea - check ;) Happy Almost Friday everyone!!
Note to self to help feel even better, not only was this a venting session for myself, but you guys got to see some bits of my "new" house. Ahhh, I do feel better already.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
This is an outfit post for my sweet, dear, McKinley (& some of Christopher)! I promised their aunt Katie that I would send pictures of the kids in their Joe Fresh Clothes that she helped pick out in March.
My Christopher's first Joe Fresh piece was a gift from Aunt Katie for my baby shower. It was a 3-month-old size puffy vest, gray and green on the inside! I looked at the tag and saw "Joe," and thought for sure she got it at some boutique in Canada. When I discovered it was from a line that is sold in GROCERY STORES, and the prices were reasonable I knew I had to investigate. It took 3 years, but I finally did get to investigate, and it was just in time for the kids spring/summer wardrobe.
I searched high & low for a picture of that puffy vest, but to no avail =( I did, however, find a picture of my second piece of Joe Fresh: a sweet red plaid button up, with corduroy trousers. Here Christopher in his adorable outfit, 4-months old, pictured with Aunt Katie, Uncle Ryan, and Miley.

OK, back to the investigation. It was an all girls outing, sorry Miley you couldn't come =( And we scored big, probably a little too big for the hubby's wallet. It was GREAT fun! And each outfit has been loved by Mc'ster herself. (I have never called her that, ahah, a new nickname perhaps??)
I am actually hoping to get the kids fall/winter clothes when we visit end of the summer, early fall?? Sound like a plan, Aunt Katie??
Up first is a sweet denim dress. Umpire waist, cinched with elastic, and two pockets underneath. If they had this dress in my size I would DEF be twinsies with my 1-yr-old! I paired it with her pink cardigan (not Joe Fresh), but was a gift from Amanda! (Thanks girl)
Here McKinley is picture at daddy's golf course. The course is always a good backdrop for great photos!

Here she is pondering which club she will use for her next shot over the water.

Going to look for her ball.

I'll do better on the next hole, don't you worry!
The next shirt was not in the original shopping bag. Daddy picked this shirt out! Dad has a thing for flowery, little-house-on-the-prarie type shirts. Again, if it came in a bigger size daddy would have purchased one for mommy. The shorts are an adorable denim, with front pockets, and a nice once up fold. These shorts are so versitale, and worn with many other purchases from that day. Along with other shirts in Mc's closet.
Pictures were taken on a family walk around our neighborhood, which ended in tragedy (nothing too bad, I just like the drama), but last picture is not for the weak of stomach.

Christopher is saying, "What kind of mom are you that you would take a photo while I am in agony??"
Are you guys getting tired yet? Hope not - two more to go! Pictures below are of a sweet flowery, tunic top with nice top detail. These were paired with the shorts from above. The bunny ears were gifts from our babysitter, Jenni. Those ears were major hits for Easter.
Two notes about the pictures below. First, you get a little peek from my Joe Fresh find, but it is literally a peek - navy and white striped shirt. Purchased red flats to go with. That will have to be its own seperate post. Second, McKinley spent the end of the April thru May with a black eye on her right side. The black eye didn't last that long, she just had two - YES TWO - different episodes which ended up with black eyes. Poor girl! She is a toughy...proof below!

McKinley almost passed out after this pic was taken from the choke-hold her brother had her in. (Just kidding...well sort-of)

aww, this is better!
OK, last one! I saved this for last bc this was Aunt Katie's favorite outfit. It is my go-to play wear, yet so stylish at the same time. Pictures were taken at a local playground. YaY! Slides. Sorry for that silly hat. It is way too small, but it has hook so she can't take it off.

These were not all the outfits I purchased that fine day, but couldn't find anymore pictures & you guys are probably tearing up from the bordem!!
I searched high & low for a picture of that puffy vest, but to no avail =( I did, however, find a picture of my second piece of Joe Fresh: a sweet red plaid button up, with corduroy trousers. Here Christopher in his adorable outfit, 4-months old, pictured with Aunt Katie, Uncle Ryan, and Miley.
OK, back to the investigation. It was an all girls outing, sorry Miley you couldn't come =( And we scored big, probably a little too big for the hubby's wallet. It was GREAT fun! And each outfit has been loved by Mc'ster herself. (I have never called her that, ahah, a new nickname perhaps??)
I am actually hoping to get the kids fall/winter clothes when we visit end of the summer, early fall?? Sound like a plan, Aunt Katie??
Up first is a sweet denim dress. Umpire waist, cinched with elastic, and two pockets underneath. If they had this dress in my size I would DEF be twinsies with my 1-yr-old! I paired it with her pink cardigan (not Joe Fresh), but was a gift from Amanda! (Thanks girl)
Here McKinley is picture at daddy's golf course. The course is always a good backdrop for great photos!
Here she is pondering which club she will use for her next shot over the water.
Going to look for her ball.
I'll do better on the next hole, don't you worry!
The next shirt was not in the original shopping bag. Daddy picked this shirt out! Dad has a thing for flowery, little-house-on-the-prarie type shirts. Again, if it came in a bigger size daddy would have purchased one for mommy. The shorts are an adorable denim, with front pockets, and a nice once up fold. These shorts are so versitale, and worn with many other purchases from that day. Along with other shirts in Mc's closet.
Pictures were taken on a family walk around our neighborhood, which ended in tragedy (nothing too bad, I just like the drama), but last picture is not for the weak of stomach.
Christopher is saying, "What kind of mom are you that you would take a photo while I am in agony??"
Are you guys getting tired yet? Hope not - two more to go! Pictures below are of a sweet flowery, tunic top with nice top detail. These were paired with the shorts from above. The bunny ears were gifts from our babysitter, Jenni. Those ears were major hits for Easter.
Two notes about the pictures below. First, you get a little peek from my Joe Fresh find, but it is literally a peek - navy and white striped shirt. Purchased red flats to go with. That will have to be its own seperate post. Second, McKinley spent the end of the April thru May with a black eye on her right side. The black eye didn't last that long, she just had two - YES TWO - different episodes which ended up with black eyes. Poor girl! She is a toughy...proof below!
McKinley almost passed out after this pic was taken from the choke-hold her brother had her in. (Just kidding...well sort-of)
aww, this is better!
OK, last one! I saved this for last bc this was Aunt Katie's favorite outfit. It is my go-to play wear, yet so stylish at the same time. Pictures were taken at a local playground. YaY! Slides. Sorry for that silly hat. It is way too small, but it has hook so she can't take it off.
These were not all the outfits I purchased that fine day, but couldn't find anymore pictures & you guys are probably tearing up from the bordem!!
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- McKinley
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- I could watch this video over & over! With tears ...
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